Monday, 28 November 2011

Current obsession (1) Also need a little help guys!..

I'm loving everything glitter and that sparkles!
Here are a few of my favourite picks..

(Sorry the pic is small, I'm new to editing and I'm finding it hard, if you have any tips let me know!)

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Everyday Skincare routine.

My goodies!

First off I wash my face with:

Then I use my black head clearing cleanser around my nose, I used to get them all the time until I used this product, It does wonders!

After I've let sink into my skin, I'll tone! 

The last thing I do is moisturise, I find that very important, My skin dries out so much after I use Proactiv.

At night its the same, I just change to the night time lotion!
I try my best to use the face mask at least twice a week, My skin care routine has changed my skin so much! It used to be awful, I've used Proactiv for about 2 years now and I SWEAR by it. I didn't use it for a week and my skin went back to awful and spotty, Now it's lovely, I very rarely get spots now. I'm not 100% if it's made for all skin types, I find it kinda harsh at times (Because at times I'm heavy handed!) I know if I use it everyday my skin will be fine. It took me ages and lots of wasting money to find the perfect skin care, and I'm glad I've found it.

If you have any questions, just leave me a comment :)

Monday, 14 November 2011

Fur Booties!

Cupcake Pictures, I got them from a local shop in my town
All I remember was that they were 3 for £20. I gave my Mother the other one.

Matalan Fur Trim Boots - £25

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Fashion Tights.

Hey guys! I'm stuck on what to wear with these new tights I got from Evans, I wore them for Halloween but I wanna wear them again! But what do I wear with these? I am plus size, and short so I need a little help, or inspiration! Hope someone can help because I'm still really new to "fashion" I mean I love it, I just don't know what goes with what! 

Floral Tights @ Evans - £7

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