Sorry yet again, I always seem to be too busy to upload this bugger on time! Anywho, I had such a good week, well two good weeks to be honest, Spent week 17 at the garden centre (Was so HOT!) I got a little colour in me at last, woohoo!
I did the gardening with my parents, had an ice cream and chilled. The rest of my week was pretty chilled, I didn't really do much!
Week 18: I chilled with my boyfriend for two days, We went to the beach! (I got a separate post to come, way too much pictures in here to post more!) We had fish and chips from a cute little cafe at the sea front, It was so lovely! I couldn't move after it! We went to the sea, I love the sea, We where in it for like an hour or so! I had an ice cream and he headed off home. I baked cup cakes today, First time making these ones, Butter cream cuppycakes! They were so light and fluffy! I just noticed, most of my pictures are food!! Jealous? :P
Until next week, Take care!!
Week 18;
From here is week 17;
My aunts poor kitty! She got "done" haha bless her.